BOMINGFA invite you join in ICIF 2019
2019/08/28#Exhibitor showcase ICIF China 2019: KUNMING BOMINGFA TRADING CO.,LTD.The leading products such as industrial paraffin wax, FDA paraffinwax (kunlun brand, sinopec brand) in size of 52,54,56,58,60,62,64,66. micro-crystalline wax, emulsion wax, rubber protective wax, synthetic wax, food grade mc wax, plastic special wax, PVC wax, polishing wax, imported polyethylene wax, PE wax, carnauba wax, etc.
Visit them at Booth E6G24 @ ICIF China 2019 (18-20 September 2019) to ex plore business opportunities. Click to register as a visitor: